Sunday, October 17, 2010


Everyone's so worked up about being judged lately. It's like a trend where people write on their profile about how much they love themselves and how other people shouldn't judge. Well, i think everyone's free to judge, it's just a matter of keeping quiet or the other way round. I mean, this life, it's all about judging, you can never run away from it, neither can you stop it. It's a natural thing, I don't think anyone can live without judging. Hell, people even judge my darling Jello. Yes, it's hard when people judge you but it's something we all have to live with. If you don't want other people to judge you, you start by not doing so, not to anyone or anything for that matter. Just know that when someone judges you, that person has hundreds of other people judging him. It's the norm of the society. We judge.


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