Actually it was a visit to one of my favourite uncle's new house.
But then...well, I got carried away snapping pictures of his daughter..
Good visit though!
..GOOD GOOD GOOD food, huge place, really cool concept and
The dining hall. Louise's and my favourite place..
When there's food, there're US.
Louise and Jason was busy munching cookies and gulping in soft drinks like nobody's business. WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?!
This triple floors tall ceiling just took my breath away! Louise literally stuffed prunes in my mouth just to shut me up..
Seeing that I got carried talking about it.
I Love them! Louise insisted to put this up. But I prefered this..cause i looked better! Two vain pots we are!
They reminded me of my sister and I when we were young. The difference is just Louise wasn't that adorable back then..
Pei Yee : I'm ready for my close up!
Pei yee : I'll have that! Whatever that is..:) Pei yee : This is GOOOD! Chewing. Still chewing..
Pei yee : What d'ya starrin' at?
Pei yee: Finally I'm full.. Pei yee : Actually...not so. Just ONE more. Truth to be told..she finished the whole bucket of prunes!
She is soooo adorable I could eat her up! Not you, Louise!
Crazy kissing pervert alert!!
We just cant seem to keep our hands off her....or lips!
I still love you , Jason.
The view.. ....okay maybe not so much of a "view"
but just a glimpse of how the house looks from the outside